Weitere Leistungsschwerpunkte

Hormone replacement therapy – For better quality of life and health protection

Hormone replacement therapy <b>– For better quality of life and health protection</b>

Prejudices towards hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which for many years stirred up needless fears, have long been refuted: HRT is currently enjoying a complete rehabilitation. By administering the missing hormone in careful, very tailored dosages, we can eliminate typical menopausal complaints and even, in the case of timely provision, prevent them.

We do not see helping women “of reproductive age” to have children as our only role. We also want to support older women in finding the right hormone configuration for their stage of life - for better quality of life, and for effective protection for the cardiovascular system and against osteoporosis.

At around 51 years old, when women cease menstruating, signs of hormonal deficits can be a great burden: sweating, hot flushes, sleeplessness, lack of concentration and more are caused by the failure of the ovary glands that otherwise form the normal female hormone, oestradiol. In many cases, this can occur a few years earlier.

With targeted HRT, adjusted to the lowest effective dose for you individually, these menopausal complaints can be treated effectively. As fertility specialists, we have particularly good knowledge of this area, as the “target groups” overlap: firstly, the ten years from 40 to 50 years old - from the reproductive phase to the menopause - present a transitional period for the hormonal balance in women. Secondly, one quarter of all women aged 41-45 who wish to have children are our clients.

Our expertise in this area is thus particularly high, and we accompany our patients through this stage of their lives with a level of competence that is unequalled in the region.


Consultations can be booked via:
Telephone: +49 (0) 69 5060 6865-0
Email: info@kinderwunschzentrum-frankfurt.de

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